Ranch Motel

  • Project type: Professional work
  • Roles: Logo design, web design and development
  • Tools: Figma, Illustrator, Wordpress
  • View Site


A logo and website refresh for a roadside motel with picturesque A-frame cabins in Oregon, near beautiful, green forests.


I was approached to help a woman who had just bought a motel in Oregon to create a new logo and website to update the plain ones of the previous owners.

She was planning on updating the cabins in mid-century modern fashion and wanted a similar feel for this project, while keeping a rustic air.


Research led to color and fonts that achieved the mid-century modern look, with vintage illustrations added a touch of rusticism.





The website was designed and built to have modular components that could be inserted on almost any page, whenever they were needed. This was done both for the owners' convinience (as not all components would be needed at the beginning) and to provide robust design to more than just the homepage.

The site is relatively free of any animations, keeping it simple and quick to use for the user wanting to get to info or booking right away. As such, only the menu has a trigger to slide in a panel.

The Process




Ideation on the logo, evoking the A-frame look. Stars = the chosen logo.


Exploration of fonts, searching for a mid-century modern throwback.
Body text choice: Lato, good for reading.
Heading choice 1: Rancho, similar to the font used on a retro sign still on the property.
Heading choice 2: Trenda (Light), another retro-style font that is more readable than Rancho, used for H3 - H6.