
  • Project type: Professional work, done for BlueModus
  • Roles: Lead web designer and development assistance
  • Tools: Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator
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A complete e-commerce refresh for a storied company created in the '30s.


The client came to the company I was working for wanting to do an overall of their website. To them it felt outdated, not user-friendly or easy to navigate, and the mobile version needed work as well.


We pitched to them a website rebrand that kept to their white and clean aesthetic while giving it a slightly more lux feel with choice of fonts and design elements.

I was the lead designer on this project, coming up with the overall style direction and designing out all the components the website would need.





Search Results

Basic search would return any result from the site, this mock-up was to show what result for each section would be.


Products Filtering

When going to a collections landing page, products can be narrowed down using an in-depth filtering system.


Categories Landing Page

Mock-up of the categories landing page with all the options created for it.


Product Details

The product details page is fairly straight forward, with a tabbed interface to view more information, and a table that can collapse and be opened if there are a large amount of specs.


The Process


Colors: monochrome for a higher-end, clean feel and the blue and red from the brand's logo as accents
Open Sans and Raleway Light were chosen for their simple but elegant style.


The site was built with modularity in mind: almost every part made can be used elsewhere. So I created a library of all the components, including their tablet and mobile versions. Here are a choice few:

Component for product menu grid featured on the homepage.
Component for the header aand navigation, including how it opens and drills down.
Component for product details.
Components for Comparison Table and the product grid on search and collection pages.